Charity of the Year
Crisp Professional Development have chosen to support the Exeter-based FORCE Cancer Charity as their nominated Charity of the Year for 2024
Selected by the Crisp team, the Charity will benefit from a donation of company profits, as well as donations of time and expertise.
Managing Director Shaun Durham said: “We are delighted to be supporting FORCE Cancer Charity throughout 2024 as our nominated Charity of the Year. The team were keen to choose a local charity that we can connect to and engage with on a personal level. Several members of the team have first-hand experience of the incredible impact that FORCE has to those with a cancer diagnosis in Devon.
We are really excited about getting involved, through fundraising activities and donations of our time, to support this vital work”.
Having visited the FORCE centre in Exeter, the team understand how the charity is helping those with a cancer diagnosis and their families, and were able to see the impact of corporate support and fundraising. Over the course of the year they plan to fundraise individually and collectively, as well as using their allocated staff volunteering day to support any projects that need additional resource. You can track their progress below!
Olly Watts, Head of Income Generation at FORCE Cancer Charity said “FORCE Cancer Charity, relies mainly on voluntary donations to continue supporting those affected by cancer here in Devon. FORCE offers many services including counselling, group support, complementary therapies as well as serving as a relaxed space for patients to come and find out more about their cancer diagnosis or to simply enjoy a cup of tea before heading to the hospital for treatment. We are incredibly grateful for the support that the team at Crisp Professional Development will be giving to FORCE this year.”
About FORCE Cancer Charity, click here
Our fundraising will include:
Vicky - making and selling crocheted chickens for Easter
26th May - Great West Run (our MD Shaun Durham is running)
Lauren and Sam V - will be doing a cake sale
Roselle - will be completing 100 crunches a day for the whole of April
...and more to come...
We are also getting behind:
22nd March - Great Devon Breakfast at The Tasting Rooms
20th April - Bucket collection at the Exeter Chiefs
25th April - RGB Fundraising Quiz at Winslade Manor
30th June - Helping at the Nello Bike Ride
11th July - Cream Teas for Cancer
To make a donation, please use our Just Giving page!
Crisp Professional Development's Just giving Page:

Or click on the link below: