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Leadership Courses

What is leadership? How do effective leaders behave and what do they do? Our comprehensive range of leadership courses addresses these questions. Our leadership training programmes are designed in modules that can be taken as individual leadership courses or combined into a bespoke package.

Leadership Course Benefits

Our leadership courses are bespoke, from four days to twenty, in any location, virtual, in-person or blended. They are designed around your needs and your budget

We focus on behaviours and mindset

We encourage small group cohorts to maximise your learning

Our leadership courses are interactive and participative, using qualified coaches, the latest theories and research, and engaging materials

Our coaches use neuroscience, emotional intelligence and positive psychology

As bespoke leadership courses, we link learning to your values, culture, and success factors

Did you know we can make your course bespoke?

Are you looking for courses for your team. Check out our bespoke course options

Leadership Courses

Introduction To Leadership Training

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In this leadership course we look at the main approaches to leadership, giving you some theoretical background and practical applications for how you can lead others in the workplace and beyond. We look at the different leadership styles and theories, leadership ethics, and how power dynamics play out for leaders.

Leader As Coach: Coaching Skills Training

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This leadership course seeks to place coaching firmly within the leadership context by giving the leader a toolkit of skills and behaviours to effectively challenge and support their teams. This leadership approach is fundamental to organisations that want to create a widespread and embedded coaching culture.

Leading With Insights

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Leading with Insights is a one day add-on to our Being a Leader training programme. Leading with Insights uses the Insights Discovery profiling tool to raise individual and collective awareness about preferences, behaviours and strengths. The profiling tool creates a profile of your unique combination of colours which will enable you to better understand yourself and others, allowing you to adapt your leadership style to different personalities and varying situations.

Everyday Leadership

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Everyday Leadership is the concept that you can connect with people, and motivate and encourage them without having any formal positional power or authority. It is a mindset and way of being that governs one’s actions in the community and the workplace. We can better understand someone, enable change, and communicate positively by adopting the mindset of an everyday leader which we will explore through this leadership training course.

Being A Senior Leader: Leadership Training for Senior Managers

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This two day executive team leadership training programme will raise your senior management’s collective awareness of the skills and behaviours needed to operate effectively at an executive level. We use advanced holistic and embodied coaching practices to work with your board to raise awareness about the dynamics affecting your environment. We’ll work to fully integrate culture, values and individual actions into the whole organisation.

Being a Leader: Leadership Development Training

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Our Being a Leader programme takes a different approach to leadership training. Great leaders do not become great by continuing to do the same things that made them successful earlier in their careers. This leadership training programme is about creating time and space for reflection and integrated learning and focusing on behaviours to drive an appreciation of what leadership means to the individual and their organisation.