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East Devon District Council

East Devon District Council (EDDC) employs circa 500 people. Its ambition is to be an outstanding and well-run council which provides great services and opportunities for East Devon – now and for future generations.

EDDC aims to continue to deliver services that help improve and maintain the outstanding quality of life in East Devon whilst developing the region as a strong and competitive economy and a significant regional economic force.

Crisp Professional Development has supported the EDDC L&D team with face to face learning since 2018.

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 the majority of EDDC staff began working from home and the Crisp team was asked to create a suite of bite-sized virtual learning sessions to support their people.

Following one session, a delegate commented:

“I think the bite size sessions have been a great idea as they don’t impact too much on your working day, yet offer a break from the ‘new norm’ – and it’s always good to learn something new or refresh what you already think you know but so easily forget.”

To date Crisp has provided 34 sessions around 14 topics. 172 staff have benefitted from the learning with a further 89 booked on to future sessions.

Topics have included:

  • Changing your State & Energy
  • Giving Feedback – for Managers
  • Thinking Differently
  • Mental Health Awareness & Working from Home
  • Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

Ann Woodland, Organisational Development and Training Support Officer says:

“I’ve really enjoyed meeting all the Crisp facilitators.  The bite size sessions are short enough for me to listen into even when the topic is not necessarily targeted at me.

It allows me to get to know the Crisp coaches to get a feel for their style and how well they and their topics are received.  This will make it easier to recommend topics and facilitators in the future.”