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The Art and Science of Motivation, v1

The Art and Science of Motivation

“The essence of motivation is energised and persistent goal-directed behaviour. When we are motivated, me move and take action.”

An understanding of what motivates us and others leads to a greater sense of well-being and happiness at work, a more fulfilling career, and improved productivity. When we are motivated and energised to do something, we challenge ourselves and others to reach new heights. We do more.

This course is an introduction to the main theories of motivation. You will learn how to apply these to yourself and others, with practical tips to bring these concepts to life. Course Topics:

Definitions of motivation and your motivators

How to empower people through motivation

Herzberg 2-Factor theory; Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivators and Expectancy theory

The importance of Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

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