Do you encounter challenging individuals inside and outside of the workplace? This How to Deal with Difficult People training course is well designed to help you deal with this kind of person. You will know them: the Aggressor, the Whiner, the Over-agreeable, the Silent Pouter, the Negativist, and the Know-it-All. Although there aren’t many of them, you will face them in small numbers and their impact can be significant and long lasting. They can frustrate and cause friction between individuals and teams, creating absenteeism, significant loss in productivity and lost clients.
How can you cope effectively with each one? In this How to Deal with Difficult People training course, you will learn how to deal with tricky behaviour. You will learn why these styles persist in their incompatible ways and how to cope effectively with them. Delegates will learn what their own communication/personality style is and how they can use this to effectively communicate with difficult people.
On this course we will introduce you to the four main behavioural and communication styles. You will learn how to communicate with people effectively and tailor your response to their style so your message gets across. We will show you how you can change a negative attitude into a constructive one. The skills you will learn on this course will be of benefit to you in all interactions and will help you foster an environment of communication and understanding.
How to Deal With Difficult People Training Course Content
This course is ideal for anyone who has to interact with and deal with difficult people who can cause a disruption to the harmony of the workplace – whether these people be colleagues, supervisors, members of your team or customers.
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